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Shekinah Ballet

Image by Jess Zoerb

Create (Ages 3-4)


This class is offered to 3 and 4 year olds as an introduction to ballet through a fun, creative environment. Class will feature props, games, and a short recital dance at the end of the year. 


Explore (Ages 5-8)

This class is offered to 5 to 8 year olds with the intent of exploring the basic technique of ballet. Simple steps and positions will be reviewed along with games and performance opportunities. This class also includes periodic Bible lessons and is designed in a Christian environment. 

Pre-Pointe (Ages 10-18)

This is a supplemental class for those who are already taking ballet classes. This class focuses on technique, strength, and conditioning  exercises designed to prepare the body for future pointe work. This class is available for ages 10 and up and requires being registered also in either "Ignite" or "Core" classes. 

Image by Alexandre Tsuchiya

Ignite (Ages 9-13)


This class is designed for ages 9-13 and focuses on igniting a passion for ballet as well as for the Bible. Our students will learn ballet technique, have performance opportunities, and learn Bible lessons in a Christian environment. 


Core (Ages 14-18)
This class is dedicated to preparing dancers for professionalism in ballet, acting, performance, and character development along with a monthly Bible devotional time. Dancers who are in pointe may practice pointe work during this class according to the direction of the teacher. 

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